This is the side length, in residues, of the angle used to measure helix curvature. The bottom choices, BlkW and WBlk are black and white gradients that are good for black and white publishing. Click it to display available gradients, and pick a gradient of your choice. The Scale drop down menu lets you choose between different VMD colour gradients for your helix angle display.You can thus still tune the Colour Threshold to emphasize existent curvature. If your helices are not particularly curved, By tuning this threshold until no or little red remains, you can get a good first idea of how curved your helices are.Ĭhange the Colour threshold to 10, and note how less curved helices now display red areas, as only a 10 degree angle is necessary to qualify. By increasing the threshold, less helices make the cut, and only highly curved helix-areas remain red. It is set at 20 degrees by default, which means that any helix angle at or above 20 degrees is graphed in red. You can change the threshold at which an angle is displayed as a maximum angle colour by editing the Colour threshold value.For more information about the precision of the Bendix' algorithm, please see Technical detail under the faq section. Bendices' ends are at angle 0 per definition, since they are not resolved by the axis-generating algorithm. Red indicates the areas of highest helix axis angle, followed by green for intermediate angle magnitudes and blue for angles close to, The default colour scheme, which you are viewing, is RGB or Red-Green-Blue. Your protein appearance changes to indicate helix geometry using a heatmap colour scheme. Now change to angle-indicative graphics by ticking Heatmap color and pressing Enter.Easy and functional helix abstraction in Bendix. Bendix is a middleground between these two Drawing Methods it combines the level of abstraction of Cartoons with the conformational detail of NewCartoon.Ģ.Show the backbone projection, which gives a very detailed view of a helix in any conformation. The NewCartoon ribbons, on the other hand, The straight Cartoon cylinders work well as a high-level abstraction of the protein, but they do not do justice to curving helices. Pick a colour of your choice from the drop-down menu.

Change the Drawing Method of your new Representation to Cartoon, and the Coloring Method to ColorID to distinguish between the two representations. At the top of the Graphical Representations window, click Create Rep.The Display updates to show this representation. In the Drawing Method pull down menu, select NewCartoon. to open the Graphical Representations window. In VMD's Main window, go to Graphics > Representations. Overview of the Bendix graphical user interface and its settings

GUI visuals may wary depending on what operating system you're running, but feature functions will not.
Screenshots were taken on a PC running Windows 7. Select the category Display, name Background and colour 8 white. You may edit the VMD Display background from VMD Main > Graphics > Colours. The images that accompany this tutorial have white backgrounds. The latter is a coarse-grained (CG) helical peptide (using the MARTINI force field) and its trajectory.
To follow this tutorial, you need to download the crystal structure for the lactose permease LacY (PDB ID: 1PV7) as well as Analysis.pdb and Analysis.dcd.The video is also available in mpeg, ogg and mp4. If you are reading this, it's because your internet browser does not support HTML5 videos. Analyse how the local helix distortion along the length of the helix evolves over time: Surf Analyse how the local helix distortion along the length of the helix evolves over time: Maximum angle Analyse how the local helix distortion along the length of the helix evolves over time: general advice Analyse a static protein's local angles along the length of several helices. Analyse a static peptide's local angles along the length of the helix. Bendix visualization of coarse-grained particles VMD visualization of coarse-grained particles Helix features' final touches: Material, resolution and radius Helix features: Straight helices and control point interval Helix features: angle-indicative colour settings Easy and functional Bendix helix abstraction.